Velsoft’s Train the Trainer Bundle offers the best information available for training your own trainers. Investment in the package of Train the Trainer courseware materials through a special bundle price means realizing valuable savings in your training budget.
Velsoft courseware allows instructors to spend more energy on developing their presentation and teaching skills, rather than spending hours and hours developing training material to fulfill their needs. We take pride in these products.
Our courseware is fully customizable, providing the ability to fully edit and re-brand the course material. We understand the time and effort it takes to develop proper training solutions that work.
Each course included in the bundle comes with student and instructor manuals, pre-assignments, PowerPoint presentations and more!
Everything you need to deliver amazing training
Each courseware title is a trainers' kit that comes with the following course components:

Instructor Guide
Velsoft Instructor Guides are the core of each training course. Our Instructor Guides lay out the training in simple, easy-to-follow instructions. You can also customize the Instructor Guides in order to personalize your training.

Student Manual
Each Instructor Guide - for each course - is paired with a Student Manual that you can present to your participants. This customizable Student Manual gives each participant the ?student? version of the course you will be teaching.

PowerPoint Deck
Courseware from Velsoft is designed to give you everything you need for use in the classroom or for your workshop. This includes the PowerPoint versions of all the courses, prepared for you in advance.

Quick Reference Guide
Quick Reference Guides are a favorite tool for trainers to provide to their learners. Each Quick Reference Guide summarizes the most important elements in each courseware title down to two pages.