Fully Customizable Courseware For Trainers

Workplace Essentials


Easily edit and rebrand as your own


Strategic Planning

A strategic plan provides a company with a blueprint for what it wants to achieve. This two-day training course includes sessions that teach concepts and skills such as: determining the values that support a company, defining a company's vision, writing a mission statement, undertaking a meaningful SWOT analysis, as well as how to implement, evaluate, and review a strategic plan. This courseware includes a comprehensive toolkit for trainers to use, either in its current state or customized to suit your needs. These training materials include a pre-assignment, assessments, student workbook, and comprehensive trainer's guide, as well as pre-formatted PowerPoint slides.

Business Ethics For The Office

What exactly makes a decision ethical'this Business Ethics for the Office workshop will not provide you with an easy way to solve every ethical decision you will ever have to make. It will, however, help you define your ethical framework to make solving those ethical dilemmas easier. It will also provide tools and techniques to use to avoid becoming involved in an ethical quandary. In this two-day Business Ethics for the Office training course, trainers will help participants to understand what exactly an ethical dilemma is, the difference between ethics and morals, the value of being ethical, how to use tools to make better decisions, and how to deal with common ethical dilemmas. Ethical operations build trust, and trust builds business. A?one-time courseware purchase allows trainers access to easily customizable training materials, a full suite of tools, and industry-tested content. Purchase courseware now, and start helping trainees' with ethical decisions for the office.

Workplace Diversity Training: Celebrating Diversity in the Workplace

Diversity training is extremely important in today's multi-culturally rich workplaces. Workplace Diversity Training enables trainers to enhance communication and understanding, as well as educating employees and supervisors to support the wealth of talent, ideas, and skills within our workplaces. In this one-day training course trainers can help participants learn how to bring together various needs, backgrounds, and strengths in a respectful way. Participants will learn: what diversity and its related terms mean; how to be aware of their own behaviors and how they can improve them; how to identify stereotypes; the Four Cornerstones of Diversity; the STOP technique; and how to take action when discrimination takes place. All Velsoft training materials are fully customizable. Each package comes complete with an instructor guide, student manual, PowerPoint slides, quick reference guide, and much more.

Safety in the Workplace

Health and safety training is essential in every workplace. Every year, workplace accidents, injuries, and the absence of a safety culture cost corporations and other organizations millions of dollars and contribute to lost work hours. These incidents also have a profound impact on workers and their families. With this comprehensive courseware, trainers will introduce the concept of a safety culture, where safety is valued as an integral part of an organization's operation, along with providing the foundation to start building an effective safety culture. In this course, participants will learn about:
  • The difference between a safety program and a safety culture
  • How to launch a safety committee
  • How to identify hazards and reduce them
  • Hiring measures that can improve safety
  • How to identify groups with an increased risk of injury, and how to protect them
  • How to write, implement, and review a safety plan
  • How to respond to incidents and near misses
  • The basics of accident investigation and documentation
Safety in the Workplace is a comprehensive training materials package that can easily be downloaded and customized. Courseware customization could include adding a section on safety legislation for your particular region and industry.

Workplace Violence: How to Manage Anger and Violence in the Workplace

Workplace Violence: How to Manage Anger and Violence in the Workplace is a pertinent topic for all organizations today. Sometimes there are warning signs of workplace violence, but this is not always the case. It is up to us to learn whatever we can to prevent, identify, and mitigate any threats, and this comprehensive workshop includes everything workplace leaders need to get started. Topics included are: the definition of workplace violence, communication skills, issue resolution using a problem-solving model, managing anger, and establishing policies and procedures to help people work well together. For those times when violence does occur, participants will understand the value of a systematic approach to incident response, and how to proceed with the next steps. Velsoft's softSkills training courses provide trainers with everything they need to purchase courseware today and deliver effective, meaningful training tomorrow. Your purchase gives you instant access to comprehensive training materials, including an instructor's guide, student workbook, slides, and more.

Lean Process Improvement

Lean Process Improvement involves perfecting processes by working smarter to minimize waste within a company. Although Lean process analysis has emerged as a ?best business practice? in recent years, it's organized around a culture of ideas, tools, and processes that have existed among the best business practitioners for hundreds of years. If you've been wondering how the best have been managing it for centuries, then Velsoft's Lean Process Improvement courseware is for you! Based on leading research and presented in a format that is straightforward and easily understood, students learn the foundation necessary to begin using Lean process improvement tools in their workplace. This useful skillset includes Toyota's five critical improvement concepts, tools needed to continuously improve an organization (5S, PDSA, DMAIC, Kaizen, various Lean data mapping methods), and more. Velsoft's two-day Lean Process Improvement courseware training material is completely customizable, making it easy for trainers to deliver the best Lean sigma training on the market. Instructors also have the option of combining their courseware with eLearning and creating a blended-learning option, which students can use to learn independently and on-the-go. Work effectively and continuously with Lean, beginning today!

Employee Accountability

Trainers who want to help organizations and individuals with growth will appreciate this comprehensive, one-day training course. Participants will learn what employee accountability is, how to promote it in their organization, and how to become more accountable to themselves and others. Training sessions include: what accountability is and what events in history have shaped our view of it; the requirements for personal and corporate accountability;'the cycle of accountability and the fundamental elements required to build an accountable organization; and the skills required for accountability, including goal-setting, giving and receiving feedback, and delegation. Download this training course material today, and take full advantage of the customizable training materials, including a content rich instructor guide, student workbook, quick reference guide, assessments, and much more. Your courseware purchase includes the license to teach this course as many times as you would like, the ability to customize materials for your own brand, and to modify the content to meet the needs of your learners.

Balanced Scorecard Basics

A company will often make the mistake of measuring success in terms of income. Instead, a successful company must measure their reputation, the knowledge base of their employees, project initiatives, and more. Trainers can bring this one-day Balanced Scorecard Basics training course to life for human resources and leadership staff as they learn how to identify, document, plan, and execute a balanced strategic mission to move forward with on a corporate scale. Balanced Scorecard Basics courseware is available for trainers to purchase, download, and quickly customize or deliver as is. This training course is completely customizable, with no hidden fees and includes a full suite of training materials including the instructor guide, student workbook, assessments, an engaging pre-assignment, and much more.

Bullying in the Workplace

Bullying in the Workplace awareness training course materials are designed for trainers and HR managers to teach their students how to be aware of and identify bullying, what to do when bullying is witnessed or experienced, and to help create and implement anti-bullying policies. This is an essential training course for all employees and supervisors, due to the prevalence of workplace bullying and the violence associated with it. Help eliminate and deal with Bullying in the Workplace with Velsoft's customizable training materials. Trainers can rebrand the training materials as their own, edit, add or remove content to help training stick with their audiences, and offer memorable, relevant training. This training materials package includes an instructor's guide, assessments, activities, PowerPoint slides, and so much more. What are you waiting for? Do your part to prevent workplace bullying today.

Disability Awareness: Working with People with Disabilities

People with disabilities represent a significant and largely underutilized resource for so many businesses. This two-day workshop will give supervisors, managers, and human resources consultants the tools and tips they need to create a diverse workplace and leverage the skills and knowledge that people with disabilities have to offer. During this course, participants will learn to: prepare to welcome people with disabilities into their workplace; interact with people with disabilities; identify and overcome barriers in the workplace; use respectful, appropriate, acceptable language in any circumstance; understand what their company can do during hiring and interviewing; and understand what job accommodation is and how it applies in their workplace. Velsoft's customizable training materials make it easy for trainers to edit courseware content to match their training needs. SoftSkills training materials include a detailed instructor guide, student workbook, pre-assignment, assessments, and more. The print on-demand feature makes it convenient for trainers to print what they need, when they need it. This saves on paper and ink costs.

Workplace Ergonomics for Injury Prevention

An employer that is committed to the health and safety of their employees understands the value of an effective workplace ergonomics program, which can maintain and even increase productivity. Workplace Ergonomics: Injury Prevention Through Ergonomics is a two-day soft skills training course for trainers to teach about the susceptibility of the human body when it's exposed to repetitive strain. Topics include: the basic principles of ergonomics, how to design an ergonomic workstation, ergonomic practices for common postures and movements, how to identify ergonomic hazards and minimize their effects, and much more. download this courseware and customize if desired, and be ready to deliver a comprehensive classroom experience in no time. The soft skills courseware package includes comprehensive training materials, including an instructor guide, student workbook, recommended reading list, assessments, diagrams, and much more.

Crisis Management

The worst plan is not to have any kind of plan at all, and the best plans are tested and adjusted so that they work over time.'this Crisis Management course allows trainers to assist organizations with managing any kind of crisis, from fire to weather disasters, with one solid plan to help prevent, respond to, or recover from them. This two-day course will help you teach participants how to: assign people to an appropriate crisis team role; conduct a crisis audit; establish the means for business continuity; determine how to manage incidents; help teams recover from a crisis; and apply the crisis management process. Launch effective Crisis Management today! Your customizable training materials package includes a detailed instructor's guide, student workbook, pre-formatted slides, engaging activities, and more. Download sample courseware today!

Business Process Management

Business process management helps organizations control processes to achieve their goals and to be successful. Once processes are implemented, they must be monitored, evaluated, and optimized to make sure they are still meeting the goals that they were designed to accomplish. A business that can successfully manage its processes is able to maintain a competitive edge, while increasing productivity and efficiency and decreasing costs. This course will introduce participants to business process management. Students will learn how business processes can help improve their company's bottom line by providing a higher level of quality and consistency for customers. This two-day workshop is based on the six steps of the business process life cycle (create, design, model, execute, monitor, and optimize). It also includes information on process improvement tools such as Lean and Six Sigma. This training materials package includes an instructor's guide, assessments, activities, PowerPoint slides, and so much more. It can be combined with our business process management eLearning course to offer a rich, blended learning solution.

Knowledge Management

Understanding how to manage the knowledge within an organization is the key to business success. When knowledge isn't managed well, employees can become frustrated, customers can become angry, and productivity can suffer. All of these things can affect a business' bottom line. This Knowledge Management course trains employees to use knowledge they already possess in order to help businesses perform at the next level, introducing participants to knowledge management tips, techniques, and proven processes. This workshop explains the difference between explicit and tacit knowledge, identifies various theoretical models, explains how a properly implemented program can improve efficiency, describes the steps for deploying a new knowledge management program within an organization, and identifies the required components for implementing this type of framework within an organization. This is an essential component of organizational growth and sustainability. Order this training courseware today and start teaching it right away! The Knowledge Management course materials are customizable, print-on-demand, and available for a one-time purchase, with no hidden fees or renewals. These training materials include a pre-assignment, assessments, student workbook, and comprehensive trainer's guide, as well as pre-formatted PowerPoint slides.

Process Improvement with Gap Analysis

Process improvement refers to proactively identifying, analyzing, and improving upon existing business practices in order to improve efficiency and accuracy of those processes.This systematic approach helps to reduce overall completion time, improve the quality of the output, and identify wasted efforts, ensuring that operations run smoothly. Gap analysis is a method of improvement through comparing actual performance with desired performance, and is among skills that are in demand for organizations in today's business climate. This Process Improvement with Gap Analysis course will be an excellent addition to your process management course set. It covers: different methods of gap analysis, how to perform each stage of the gap analysis process, and how to create a gap analysis report. These training materials include everything that an instructor needs: an instructor's guide, student manual, quick reference guide, course outline, PowerPoint slides, and much more. We've also included a self-study guide that aligns with the eLearning version of this course for blended learning opportunities.

Creating a Workplace Wellness Program

Creating a Workplace Wellness Program can have a huge impact on employee health and engagement, and this two-day course will help participants achieve their goals in this area. Whether they have realized a dip in employee engagement, or an increase in health and benefit costs (both signs of less than optimal health for the workforce), intervention can influence a range of conditions when a workplace wellness program is implemented in the right way. Sessions include how to establish a workplace wellness committee; conducting a needs analysis; engaging the leadership and meeting employee needs; selecting program elements, implementation, measurement, reporting; and more. This courseware includes all the training materials needed in order to deliver engaging classroom-based training: pre-formatted PowerPoint slides, a comprehensive instructor guide, student workbook, assessments, and more.

Developing a High Reliability Organization

Today's world is full of the unexpected. System failures, terrorism events, disease outbreaks, and superstorms disrupt businesses every day, sometimes to an unrecoverable point. Despite these challenges, some services (such as power plants, hospitals, and airports) have no choice but to continue operating. This one-day course will explore how these organizations maintain high reliability even in times of serious crisis and stability. We will share their secrets in a way that can be applied to all organizations in order to create high reliability and continued success. This workshop explores five principles that govern high reliability organizations: preoccupation with failure, resistance to simplification, sensitivity to operations, commitment to resilience, and deference to expertise. This package of training materials includes an instructor's guide, student materials, marketing tools, assessments, and more. Each component can be customized as needed. It's entirely up to you!

Encouraging Sustainability and Social Responsibility in Business

Today's consumers have access to a wider range of information than ever, and they use that information to check up on the companies and organizations that they support. This means that there is more pressure on businesses than ever to be socially responsible. This one-day Encouraging Sustainability and Social Responsibility in Business course covers all the elements of corporate social responsibility, including environmental awareness, human rights, labor standards, ethics, organization governance, and operating practices. Program implementation strategies and business case information is also included. All Velsoft training materials are fully customizable. Components in this training package include:?an instructor guide, student manual, PowerPoint slides, quick reference guide, and much more.

Purchasing and Procurement Basics

Purchasing and Procurement Basics are a key skill set for any employee to develop. Purchasing and procurement extends past getting the products and services that the organization needs at the right time and the right cost. This field has evolved to include relationship building, supply chain management integration, and communication with stakeholders to continually improve processes and results. This two-day course covers all the essentials of purchasing and procurement. Some of the topics covered include:
  • The value of procurement
  • The five rights of purchasing
  • Checklist for supplier evaluation
  • The purchasing cycle
  • Managing competitive bidding with RFPs and RFQs
  • Techniques for successful negotiation
  • Risk management
  • Agile procurement
  • The role of cross-functional teams in purchasing and procurement
  • Tools of the trade, such as EDI, ERP, and e-commerce
This training materials package includes everything that you need to deliver an engaging program. We've designed the following materials for you to use and customize:?an instructor guide, student manual, quick reference guide, PowerPoint slides, and more.

Continuous Improvement with Lean

Companies everywhere, no matter what their industry, can benefit from the principles of continuous improvement with Lean, a system of enhancing processes through reducing and eliminating waste. Continuous Improvement with Lean is designed as a follow-up offering to Velsoft's Lean Process Improvement course. It is the next step along the path of learning and creating a workplace culture committed to continuous improvement. This one-day workshop will help you teach participants how to:
  • Describe what continuous improvement with Lean is all about
  • Explain the concepts of the continuous improvement cycle: Identify, Plan, Execute, and Review
  • Apply Lean continuous improvement concepts to a case study
  • Present ideas for continuous improvement
These materials include a number of different training components, including an instructor's guide, PowerPoint slides, quick reference guide, marketing advertorial, and much more.

An Environmental Audit Primer

An Environmental Audit Primer has been created as a follow-up to Velsoft's environmental sustainability course, where students learned about Environmental Management Systems and how these processes and practices can benefit organizations through reducing environmental impacts. An Environmental Audit Primer provides participants with the knowledge and skills to conduct internal environmental audits. In this one-day workshop, students are shown how to plan, conduct, and report on an audit. Role-plays and case studies help reinforce these topics. This comprehensive, engaging content has been packaged into a number of different training components, including an instructor's guide, PowerPoint slides, quick reference guide, marketing advertorial, and much more.

Environmental Sustainability: A Practical Approach to Greening Your Organization

Environmental Sustainability: A Practical Approach to Greening Your Organization program is designed to teach students how to develop and implement an Environmental Management System (EMS) that will make their workplace greener. Environmental Management Systems involve a set of processes and practices that enable an organization to reduce its environmental impacts and increase its operating efficiency. This one-day workshop will teach participants the benefits of establishing an EMS, the steps necessary to develop an EMS, how to determine the environmental impacts within an organization, and how to set objectives and targets. As well, an in-depth case study is also included to give students hands-on practice with creating an EMS. This comprehensive content has been packaged into a number of different training components, including an instructor's guide, PowerPoint slides, quick reference guide, marketing advertorial, and much more.

Planning for Workplace Safety

A safety policy is one of the most important documents that a company can produce, demonstrating that senior management takes worker health and safety seriously. This one-day Planning for Workplace Safety program gives students the tools to craft a practical workplace safety plan. In this workshop, students are introduced to developing a safety policy, and then they learn how to introduce a safety plan to employees and how to develop a communications plan. Safety training is covered, along with incident response plans, health and safety inspections, and safety audits. This comprehensive, engaging content has been packaged into a number of different training components, including an instructor's guide, PowerPoint slides, quick reference guide, marketing advertorial, and much more.

Developing a Safety Procedures Manual

Safety procedures are the backbone of an organization's Safety Management System. They provide consistency, and when followed, create a safe working environment, which leads to greater productivity due to less injury down time. However, safety procedure writing can sometimes be difficult and time consuming. This Developing a Safety Procedures Manual course makes this process easier by giving students the foundation to start writing effective safety procedures, and'the tools and experience to develop and build a safety procedures manual. This workshop introduces students to procedure writing and provides tips to make them effective, along with how to develop flowcharts to depict process activities, and how to understand a variety of procedure types. It concludes with a look at other methods for manual creation and procedure building. This comprehensive, engaging content has been packaged into a number of different training components, including an instructor's guide, PowerPoint slides, quick reference guide, marketing advertorial, and much more.

Creating a Positive Work Environment

A positive work environment is important for both productivity and the emotional health of employees. And everyone within an organization -- from employers and leaders to employees -- has a responsibility to create an encouraging, progressive, and optimistic atmosphere. This one-day Creating a Positive Work Environment workshop has been created to give students the tools and mindset they need to develop a positive environment in the workplace. The workshop will touch on how to recognize what a positive workplace looks like, the key elements needed to create and maintain a positive work environment, the importance of working as a team, how to deal with workplace problems that may occur, and how to make meetings more positive and effective, among other topics. This comprehensive, engaging content has been packaged into a number of different training components, including an instructor's guide, PowerPoint slides, quick reference guide, marketing advertorial and much more.

Creating Successful Staff Retreats

This one-day Creating Successful Staff Retreats course has been created to give students the skills to conceive, implement, and evaluate a staff retreat. Successful retreats can help bolster productivity and sales, and promote a positive work culture. This course begins with a look at different staff retreat experiences, and moves on to discuss the reasons why they are held, and then takes a look at main staff retreat undertakings categories. The focus then shifts slightly to a look at how to identify the critical elements for a successful retreat, how to develop a planning checklist, and the keys to running a retreat. Evaluations and post-retreat activities are explained as well. This comprehensive, engaging content has been packaged into a number of different training components, including an instructor's guide, PowerPoint slides, quick reference guide, marketing advertorial, and much more.

Six Sigma: Entering the Dojo

Six Sigma is a set of qualitative and quantitative quality tools that can help a business improve their processes. The efficiency built into the business processes brings about improved profits, confidence and quality. Help your students institute a system of continuous improvement to their various businesses with Six Sigma: Entering the Dojo course. This course is designed to introduce students to basic concepts of Six Sigma, particularly in continuous process improvement. Various quality tools used in process improvements will be explored, along with the importance of customer relationships. This one-day workshop will help teach participants:
  • To understand the basics of Six Sigma
  • Describe the seven quality tools to solve process problems
  • Describe various quality management tools
  • Describe incremental and breakthrough improvements and understand the methodologies of continuous improvement projects
  • Describe the importance of customer relationships in a quality organization
The course begins with a look at Six Sigma basics. It then progresses to the consideration of improvement tools before moving to a look at management tools for generating ideas. The final two sessions cover continuous improvement and customer relationships. This comprehensive, engaging content has been packaged into a number of different training components, including an instructor's guide, PowerPoint slides, quick reference guide, marketing advertorial, and much more.

Beyond Workplace Politics

Beyond Workplace Politics: Using Social and Emotional Competencies is a one-day program that gives your students the tools to understand and operate within the framework of workplace politics. The course takes a look at what exactly are workplace politics and then proceeds to lessons about social and emotional intelligence, self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, good relationship skills, responsible decision-making, and workplace philosophies. This comprehensive, engaging content has been packaged into a number of different training components, including an instructor's guide, PowerPoint slides, quick reference guide, marketing advertorial, and much more.

English as a Second Language: A Workplace Communications Primer

English as a Second Language: A Workplace Communications Primer is a one-day course designed to improve the ability of employees, particularly those whose second language is English, to avoid negativity and gain cooperation through positive, plain, and professional communications. This course covers tone as well as literal meaning, while engaged in face-to-face conversations, on the phone, sending emails or videoconferencing. Word choices and how to put them together is covered in detail. An instructor's guide, student manual, PowerPoint presentation, quick reference guide, and marketing advertorial are among the resources included in the training package.

Digital Citizenship: Conducting Yourself in a Digital World

Digital Citizenship: Conducting Yourself in a Digital World is an opportunity for everyone to learn skills that will enable them to make choices that will ensure their time spent in the digital world is safe and rewarding, not only for themselves but also for others. The content in the seven sessions is reinforced with activities throughout this one-day course. The concept of digital citizenship and its principles is introduced. Each of these principles contains three elements, which explain the expected behaviors. Instruction on developing specific skills and habits to meet the expectations is supported by activities in each session. An instructor's guide, student manual, PowerPoint presentation, quick reference guide, and marketing advertorial are among the resources included in the training package. Download your free sample today for a no-obligation preview of this course!

Code of Conduct: Setting the Tone for Your Workplace

Code of Conduct: Setting the Tone for Your Workplace walks students through the process of creating a code of conduct, from considering whether their workplace needs a code to actually drafting one. The eight sessions in this one-day course look at what a code of conduct is, why companies need one, and what should be included, along with how to let employees know about the code, how to evaluate and audit it, and what to do if the code is violated. This comprehensive, engaging content has been packaged into a number of different training components, including an instructor's guide, PowerPoint slides, quick reference guide, marketing advertorial and much more. Download a free sample?of Code of Conduct: Setting the Tone for Your Workplace, right now!

Being a Team Player

Most people like to think of themselves as good team players, but are you? Your personal success depends, to a large degree, on how well you support others. Being a Team Player is a six-session course that teaches about the desirable characteristics of a team player, how to recognize one, different types of teams and which ones are essential to every organization. It then covers why teams falter, and how to better ensure success. Velsoft training packages are fully customizable and come complete with an instructor guide, student manual, self-study guide, quick reference guide, PowerPoint slides and marketing material. This course can also be combined the eLearning version for a blended learning experience.

Digital Transformation

Digital transformation looks different for every business, but at its core, it means altering how a company operates with the addition of technology and with the goals of improving the customer experience and the workplace. This one-day course will teach you about this concept, and what companies in different industries are doing, as well as best practices so you can do it yourself. At the end of this workshop, you will be able to:
  • Define digital transformation
  • Understand why it matters
  • Pinpoint which businesses are succeeding and how they are doing it
  • Get started on your own company's digital strategy

GDPR Readiness: Creating a Data Privacy Plan

Creating a Data Privacy Plan: In today's digital world, concerns about personal data privacy are at the top of consumer's minds. And with the advent of the EU's new GDPR regulation, organizations need to take data privacy seriously to avoid large fines and a tarnished reputation. This puts it in every business's best interest to adopt good privacy practices. Writing a data privacy plan is one of the best ways to kick-start compliance with the GDPR and other privacy laws by outlining policies and procedures that will guide employees towards good privacy practices. It is also an important record to keep. Learn how to create a data privacy plan for your organization in this one-day GDPR Readiness: Creating a Data Privacy Plan course.

GDPR Readiness: Getting The Message Out

Good communication is important in any business setting, both internally to employees, and externally to customers. This is especially true for data privacy, which has been brought to the forefront with the advent of the GDPR. Even if you have good privacy policies and procedures for your company, they're not useful if they aren't communicated to people. GDPR Readiness: Getting The Message Out will teach how to do this. Considering internal communication methods, developing training, promoting a privacy culture, and designing a GDPR-compliant website are all important aspects of getting the message out about data privacy. Learn about these concepts and more in this one-day GDPR Readiness: Getting The Message Out course.


If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together. ? African Proverb This proverb demonstrates the advantages of collaboration, which are essential in today's business world. Collaboration involves people working together to produce a shared goal or result. Working collaboratively ensures greater success, or as the proverb says ? going farther. In order to be successful, organizations must learn what collaboration entails, what a collaborative environment looks like, gain an understanding of the advantages and obstacles, and how to develop strategies to improve a collaborative work environment. Help your business learn how to collaborate with this one-day course.

Mobbing in the Workplace

What is Mobbing in the Workplace? You may be familiar with bullying, but mobbing is different for a few reasons. One of the things that sets it apart is how many people it involves, either by direct action or inaction, and how it spreads among people you might not expect to become bullies. This one-day?course explores the topic, including the differences between bullying and mobbing, group aggression, how it hurts the victim and the workplace, how to deal with it, how to make your workplace mobbing-resistant, and how to create a policy that addresses the issue. All Velsoft training materials are fully customizable. Each package comes complete with:
  • An Instructor Guide
  • A Student Manual
  • A Self-study Guide
  • PowerPoint slides
  • A Quick Reference Guide
  • Handouts and Assessments
  • A course outline
  • An advertorial
  • And more!

Cybersecurity 1: Fundamentals for Employees

Cybersecurity 1: Fundamentals for Employees explores the world of cybercrime. This one-day course will ensure that staff gain an appreciation of company-wide measures to protect against cyberattacks and their own role in the success of these defense measures. Most importantly, it will help staff recognize phishing attacks and understand what steps to take to mitigate the effect when a cyberattack has been successful. It emphasizes the importance of practicing safe social media behavior to prevent cyber criminals from mining sensitive personal and company data. Each participant leaves with their own personal cybersecurity plan that prepares them to enter the fight against cybercrime.

Respect in the Workplace

Research in North America suggests that more than one in three employees have experienced bullying, abuse, harassment, or discrimination in their workplaces. This course provides organizations of all sizes, in any industry, with a proactive standard tool for all employees to combat bullying, abuse, harassment, discrimination, and incivility for a safer, more productive quality of life in the workplace and their personal spaces as well. This Respect in the Workplace course will define and deal with bullying, abuse, harassment and discrimination; identify and address unconscious bias; identify power dynamics in the workplace; empower bystanders to take effective action; discuss understanding and managing common emotions in the workplace; talk about mental health outcomes of prolonged or unaddressed disrespectful behavior; and teach how to foster respect in a workplace.

Psychological Health and Safety

Scientific evidence shows that when businesses adopt policies and programs to address psychological health and safety, costs that are incurred related to psychological health issues are between 15 and 33 per cent lower. Psychological health and safety is a shared responsibility between the individual and the workplace. Safe spaces are best created and supported when individuals take responsibility for their own mental health, and workplaces develop policies and programs tailored to the unique needs of the space and those functioning within it. This course will introduce basic concepts of individual health and wellness and workplace psychological safety to support well-being and effective choices for both the employee and the workplace.
Workplace Essential Skills Training Courses

At Velsoft we know that responsible management of a workplace takes many forms, and it is essential to the sustainability of the modern workplace to keep employees satisfied and safe. Our Workplace Essentials Bundle provides a large number of Courseware titles on a variety of topics; all of them having direct, positive implications for your workplace. Whether the topic is workplace harassment, employee safety, or business ethics, allowing employees to explore these important issues is the sign of a progressive and successful institution.

Introduce these critical topics to your employees using our Workplace Essentials Bundle.

With the Workplace Essentials Bundle, instructors will have everything they need to begin training right away. With this purchase, employees won’t have to wait for external training course dates. Instructors can be confident they are providing accurate and important knowledge to help workplace relationships become successful and productive. Each course comes with student and instructor manuals, pre-assignments, PowerPoint slides, and more!

Coming Soon

Everything you need to deliver amazing training

Each courseware title is a trainers' kit that comes with the following course components:

Instructor Guide

Velsoft Instructor Guides are the core of each training course. Our Instructor Guides lay out the training in simple, easy-to-follow instructions. You can also customize the Instructor Guides in order to personalize your training.

Student Manual

Each Instructor Guide - for each course - is paired with a Student Manual that you can present to your participants. This customizable Student Manual gives each participant the ?student? version of the course you will be teaching.

PowerPoint Deck

Courseware from Velsoft is designed to give you everything you need for use in the classroom or for your workshop. This includes the PowerPoint versions of all the courses, prepared for you in advance.

Quick Reference Guide

Quick Reference Guides are a favorite tool for trainers to provide to their learners. Each Quick Reference Guide summarizes the most important elements in each courseware title down to two pages.

Fully Customizable

Make any changes you like including easily taking our branding off and replacing it with yours.

Unlimited Users

Train as many participants at your location as you like - forever!

Unlimited Printing Rights

Print-on-demand only what you need for as many participants with no limits.

No Annual Renewal Fees

One-off pricing. Never pay again to use the materials.

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Learning & Development Trends in 2025

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Choose from hundreds of ready-to-use training courses covering critical workplace skills and topics.

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Choose from 81 courses available in Articulate Storyline (.story) format.

  • Social Selling for Small Businesses
  • 10 Minute Presentation
  • Successfully Managing Change
  • Performance Management: Managing Employee Performance
  • Building Better Teams
  • Anger Management: Understanding Anger
  • Conflict Resolution: Getting Along in the Workplace
  • Hiring for Success: Behavioral Interviewing Techniques
  • Creating a Top Notch Talent Management Program
  • Conducting Effective Performance Reviews
  • Stress Management
  • Managing Customer Service
  • Closing the Generation Gap in the Workplace
  • Accounting Skills for the New Supervisor
  • Onboarding: The Essential Rules for a Successful Onboarding Program
  • Employee Recognition: Appreciating Your Workforce
  • Creativity In The Workplace
  • Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
  • Unconscious Bias
  • Becoming Management Material
  • Coaching and Mentoring
  • Motivation Training: Motivating Your Workforce
  • The ABCs of Supervising Others
  • The Professional Supervisor
  • Delegation: The Art of Delegating Effectively
  • Team Building: Developing High Performance Teams
  • Meeting Management: The Art of Making Meetings Work
  • Leadership Skills for Supervisors
  • Managing Difficult Conversations
  • Giving Effective Feedback
  • Managing the Virtual Workplace
  • Managing Across Cultures
  • Women Leadership: Owning Your Strengths and Skills
  • Dealing With Difficult People
  • Vendor Management Essentials
  • How to Become a Leader with Integrity
  • Corrective Action
  • Project Management Principles and Performance Domains
  • Advanced Writing Skills
  • Public Speaking: Presentation Survival School
  • Emotional Intelligence
  • Communication Strategies
  • Critical Elements of Customer Service
  • Skills for the New Employee
  • Business Etiquette: Gaining that Extra Edge
  • Conquering Your Fear of Speaking in Public
  • Time Management
  • Business Writing That Works
  • Critical Thinking
  • Goal Setting
  • Personal Brand: Maximizing Personal Impact
  • Self Leadership
  • Managing Pressure and Maintaining Balance
  • Active Listening
  • Fostering Innovation
  • Delivering Dynamic Virtual Presentations
  • Entrepreneurship 101
  • Workplace Harassment: What It is and What to Do About It
  • Workplace Violence: How to Manage Anger and Violence in the Workplace
  • Lean Process Improvement
  • Employee Accountability
  • Disability Awareness: Working with People with Disabilities
  • Crisis Management
  • Strategic Planning
  • Continuous Improvement with Lean
  • Creating a Positive Work Environment
  • Developing a Safety Procedures Manual
  • Beyond Workplace Politics
  • Digital Transformation
  • GDPR Readiness: Creating a Data Privacy Plan
  • Cybersecurity Fundamentals
  • Respect In The Workplace
  • Advanced Skills for the Practical Trainer
  • Facilitation Skills
  • Survival Skills for the New Trainer
  • Using Activities to Make Training Fun
  • Developing a Training Needs Analysis
  • Measuring Training Results
  • Risk Management
  • Safety in the Workplace

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