Our Microsoft Office Visio 2010: Intermediate courseware and training material includes all the information students need to get more comfortable with using Visio to perform everyday’tasks.
Section One
focuses on Visio’s file management tools. Information on using Windows Explorer within Visio, file management tools, and export options is all included.
The section wraps up with a discussion on page backgrounds.
Section Two
covers how to add fields, symbols, ScreenTips, and data to shapes. We will also talk about adding containers, callouts, and layers to a diagram.
Section Three
gets into adding, modifying, and managing images. Information on Visio’s research tools is also included.
Section Four
walks through creating process diagrams, cross-functional flowcharts, and organization charts.
Section Five
wraps up Microsoft Office Visio 2010: Intermediate and covers how to create and use Visio templates and stencils.
Section 1: Managing Visio Files
Lesson 1.1: Using Windows Explorer within Visio
Navigating Using Windows Explorer
Performing Basic Tasks with Windows Explorer
Using Views in Windows Explorer
Using the Windows Explorer Navigation Pane
Skill Sharpener
Lesson 1.2: Using File Management Tools, Part One
Using AutoRecover
Publishing to PDF or XPS
Setting File Passwords
Saving a Diagram as a Picture
Skill Sharpener
Lesson 1.3: Using File Management Tools, Part Two
Managing File Properties
Saving a Preview with a Diagram
Saving a Workspace with a Diagram
Removing Personal Information
Reducing File Size
Skill Sharpener
Lesson 1.4: Adding and Editing Page Backgrounds
Adding a Background to a Single Page
Creating a Master Background Page
Apply a Master Background Page to Other Pages
Editing a Master Background Page
Removing a Master Background Page
Skill Sharpener
Section 1: Case Study
Section 1: Review Questions
Section 2: Containers, Callouts, and More
Lesson 2.1: Doing More with Shapes
Using Paste Special
Inserting a Field
Adding Symbols
Adding ScreenTips
Adding Hyperlinks
Adding Data to Shapes
Skill Sharpener
Lesson 2.2: Working with Containers
Adding a Container
Using the Container Tools - Format Tab
Resizing a Container
Adding Shapes to a Container
Removing Shapes from a Container
Disbanding the Container
Skill Sharpener
Lesson 2.3: Formatting Containers
Choosing a Container Style
Choosing a Heading Style
Selecting a Container's Contents
Locking a Container
Skill Sharpener
Lesson 2.4: Adding a Callout
Inserting a Callout
Moving a Callout
Changing the Position of the Callout Line
Resizing a Callout
Changing the Callout Style
Skill Sharpener
Lesson 2.5: Using Layers
Adding a Layer
Showing and Hiding Layers
Activating a Layer
Preserving Group Member Layers
Coloring Layers
Locking Layers
Skill Sharpener
Section 2: Case Study
Section 2: Review Questions
Section 3: Adding the Finishing Touches
Lesson 3.1: Using Visio's Research Tools
Checking Spelling
Using the Research Pane
Using the Thesaurus
Using the Translator
Setting Your Language
Skill Sharpener
Lesson 3.2: Inserting Pictures
Adding Pictures from a File
Adding Clip Art
Overview of the Picture Tools - Format Tab
Resizing Pictures
Moving Pictures
Deleting Pictures
Skill Sharpener
Lesson 3.3: Doing More with Pictures
Arranging Pictures
Grouping and Ungrouping Pictures
Cropping Pictures
Rotating and Flipping Pictures
Skill Sharpener
Lesson 3.4: Modifying Pictures
Adjusting the Brightness and Contrast
Using AutoBalance
Compressing Pictures
Adding a Border
Using the Format Picture Dialog
Skill Sharpener
Section 3: Case Study
Section 3: Review Questions
Section 4: Creating Popular Diagrams
Lesson 4.1: Creating Process Diagrams
Creating a Process Diagram
Creating New Subprocesses
Linking Subprocesses
Editing Subprocess Links
Skill Sharpener
Lesson 4.2: Validating Process Diagrams
Choosing Rules to Run
Importing Rules
Performing a Check
Showing and Hiding the Issues Window
Skill Sharpener
Lesson 4.3: Creating Cross-Functional Flowcharts
Getting Started
Adding Swimlanes and Separators
Changing Diagram Orientation and Direction
Modifying Swimlane Margins
Choosing a Flowchart Style
Modifying Flowchart Elements
Skill Sharpener
Lesson 4.4: Creating Organization Charts
Getting Started
Creating an Organization Chart
Modifying the Layout
Changing the Spacing
Arranging Shapes
Modifying Positioning
Skill Sharpener
Lesson 4.5: Working with Organization Charts
Creating and Using a Synchronized Copy
Importing Data
Exporting Data
Comparing Charts
Setting Organization Chart Options
Skill Sharpener
Section 4: Case Study
Section 4: Review Questions
Section 5: Customizing Templates and Stencils
Lesson 5.1: Creating a Template
Creating a New Template
Saving a Template File
Using a Template
Editing a Template
Skill Sharpener
Lesson 5.2: Modifying Open Stencils
Changing the Appearance of the Shapes Task Pane
Reordering Stencils in the Shapes Task Pane
Editing a Stencil
Closing a Stencil
Skill Sharpener
Lesson 5.3: Creating Custom Stencils
Creating a New Stencil
Adding Shapes to Stencils
Removing Shapes from Stencils
Saving Stencils
Skill Sharpener
Lesson 5.4: Organizing Stencils
Copying Shapes from One Stencil to Another
Using the Quick Shapes Stencil
Renaming Stencil Shapes
Editing Stencil Shapes
Resetting Stencils
Skill Sharpener
Section 5: Case Study
Section 5: Review Questions