It is vital to keep food safe from contamination. This one-hour course will teach workers about physical and chemical contamination, as well as food allergies.
They will learn how to identify and prevent physical and chemical hazards. They will also better understand deliberate food contamination and how to prevent it. Workers will also become familiar with common food allergens and how to keep meals allergen-free for customers.
Each participant will understand better what kinds of contamination can happen and how to prevent them.
Download a free sample today.
Session One: Course Overview
Course Overview
Learning Objectives
Pre-Course Assessment
Session Two: Contamination
Pre-Assignment Review
Physical Contaminants
Physical Hazard Scenarios
Chemical Contaminants
Chemical Contamination Case Study
Deliberate Contamination of Food
Session Three: Food Allergens
What is a Food Allergen?
Common Food Allergens
Food Allergy Symptoms
Preventing Allergic Reactions
Identifying Allergens on Labels
Personal Action Plan
Course Summary
Recommended Reading List
Post-Course Assessment
Pre- and Post-Course Assessment Answer Key
Pre-Course Assessment
Post-Course Assessment
Assignment Answer Key
Session Two: Contamination
Session Three: Food Allergens