If you understand the program foundations, it makes sense to learn more skills with Computer Basics Intermediate. It will improve your efficiency.
Are you an instructor? Are you sure that your students to improve their skills? Instructors all over the world have been using our pre-written, customizable courseware and training materials since 1998.
There is a lot to learn. Here are just a few of the topics and lessons covered in this courseware:
- What is a Server?
- What is a PSTN?
- What is an ISDN?
- What Can Be Shared?
- What is a Search Engine?
- Virus Issues
- Disadvantages of Teleworking
- Choosing a Chair
- Computers and the Environment
- Skill Sharpener
- What Can Administrators Do?
- The Implications of Data Theft or Exposure
- Keeping Software Up To Date
- Performing Regular Scans
And many more topics.
Our courseware is fully customizable so the instructor can add whatever training materials content they deem necessary (or take away whatever is not).
Section 1: Information Networks
Lesson 1.1: Basic Terms
What is a Client?
What is a Server?
What is the Internet?
What is the World Wide Web?
Skill Sharpener
Lesson 1.2: Advanced Terms
What is a PSTN?
What is an ISDN?
What is ADSL?
Skill Sharpener
Lesson 1.3: Networking Basics
Analog vsDigital
How do Networks use Telephone Lines?
How does Wireless Networking Work?
Why Use Networks?
What Can Be Shared?
Transfer Rates
Skill Sharpener
Lesson 1.4: Basic Internet Concepts
The Internet vsthe World Wide Web
Understanding Web Addresses
What is a Browser?
What is a Search Engine?
Skill Sharpener
Lesson 1.5: Internet Security
About Protected Web Sites
What is Encryption?
Digital Certificates
Virus Issues
Protecting Personal Information
Skill Sharpener
Section 1: Case Study
Section 1: Review Questions
Section 2: Application
Lesson 2.1: Computers in the Workplace
Tasks That Computers Can Perform
Computers in Business
Computers in Government
Computers in Health and Education
Skill Sharpener
Lesson 2.2: Tele-Commuting
What is Telework?
Advantages to the Employee
Advantages to the Employer
Disadvantages of Teleworking
Skill Sharpener
Lesson 2.3: The Electronic World
Instant Messaging
How does E-Commerce Work?
Advantages and Disadvantages of E-Commerce
Skill Sharpener
Lesson 2.4: Ergonomics
What is Ergonomics?
Adjusting Your Monitor
Keyboard and Mouse
Choosing a Chair
Lighting and Air
Taking Breaks
Skill Sharpener
Lesson 2.5: Safety and the Environment
Checking Cables
Checking Power Connections
Recycling Paper and Cartridges
Choosing Power Friendly Components
Computers and the Environment
Skill Sharpener
Section 2: Case Study
Section 2: Review Questions
Section 3: Security
Lesson 3.1: Being Proactive
Benefits of Being Proactive
Security Policies
Procedures for Security Breaches
What Can Staff Members Do?
What Can Administrators Do?
Skill Sharpener
Lesson 3.2: Identifying Yourself
What is a User ID?
What is a Password?
Choosing a Good Password
What are Access Rights?
Skill Sharpener
Lesson 3.3: Protecting your Data
Why Backup Data?
Backup Methods
The Implications of Data Theft or Exposure
Skill Sharpener
Lesson 3.4: Understanding Malware
What are Computer Viruses?
What is Spyware?
What is Adware?
Disinfecting and Quarantining
Skill Sharpener
Lesson 3.5: Protecting Against Malware
What Anti-Malware Programs Can and Can't Do
What To Do When You Are Infected
Keeping Software Up To Date
Performing Regular Scans
Safety Tips
Skill Sharpener
Section 3: Case Study
Section 3: Review Questions
Everything you need to deliver amazing training
Each courseware title is a trainers' kit that comes with the following course components:
Instructor Guide
Velsoft Instructor Guides are the core of each training course. Our Instructor Guides lay out the training in simple, easy-to-follow instructions. You can also customize the Instructor Guides in order to personalize your training.
Student Manual
Each Instructor Guide - for each course - is paired with a Student Manual that you can present to your participants. This customizable Student Manual gives each participant the ?student? version of the course you will be teaching.
Exercise Workbook
Velsoft offers an Exercise Workbook (also customizable) that is specific to the course you are offering. You can choose whether this is something you would like to present to your students.
Sample Files
Pre-made Sample Exercise Files are provided for use with the Lab Workbook so that you, as the trainer, do not have to prepare activity working files.
PowerPoint Deck
Courseware from Velsoft is designed to give you everything you need for use in the classroom or for your workshop. This includes the PowerPoint versions of all the courses, prepared for you in advance.
Quick Reference Guide
Quick Reference Guides are a favorite tool for trainers to provide to their learners. Each Quick Reference Guide summarizes the most important elements in each courseware title down to two pages.