With Project 2003 – Foundation, we come in with industry proven training materials and give you the confidence to put on a workshop like a subject matter expert. ?With so much happening now, who can blame your students for having trouble staying organized? Getting Microsoft Office Project 2003 was a good start, but they don’t know how it works and perhaps your don’t either.
Each and every day trainers around the world rely on our courseware and training materials to educate people. Because we know that it’s not always easy to teach, we want to make it as easy as possible by providing you with training materials like an Instructor Guide, Quick Reference Guide, Student Manual, Power Point Slides and even the Lesson Plan, we’ve done it all just for you, let us help. But we do it behind the scenes, with fully customizable courses you can make examples relevant to your environment and even allow you to change our name to your own.
Microsoft Office Project 2003 can be looked at as a digital filing cabinet you can use it to store, find, and share information, however, unlike a filing cabinet you can also use it to manage, plan and even analyze information. With our training materials we make it easy to instruct others.
SECTION 1: Getting Started
Lesson 1.1: Starting Out
What is Project 2003?
What is a Project?
Why use Project 2003?
Practice Exercise
Lesson 1.2: Meeting Project
Opening Microsoft Project 2003
Interface Overview
Using Task Panes
Using Menus and Toolbars
About Dialog Boxes
Closing Microsoft Project 2003
Practice Exercise
Lesson 1.3: Using Project
Menu Overview
Using the Standard Toolbar
Using the Formatting Toolbar
Using the Project Guide
Practice Exercise
Lesson 1.4: Managing Project Files
Opening Project Files
Saving Project Files for the First Time
Re-Saving A Project File
Switching Between Open Projects
Closing Project Files
Practice Exercise
Lesson 1.5: Getting Help in Project
Using the Help Menu
Using the Help Task Pane
Using Help Topics
Using the Office Assistant
Configuring the Office Assistant
Using the Type a Question Box
Getting Help in a Dialog Box
Practice Exercise
Section 1: Review Questions
SECTION 2: Starting a Project
Lesson 2.1: Creating a Project
Planning Your Project
Creating a Project
Entering Project Information
Setting Working Time
Practice Exercise
Lesson 2.2: Creating Tasks
Entering New Tasks
Changing a Task's Duration
Moving a Task
Inserting a Task
Deleting a Task
Practice Exercise
Lesson 2.3: Editing Tasks
Opening the Task Information Dialog
Task Types
Setting Milestones
Creating Recurring Tasks
Creating Subtasks
Creating Summary Tasks
Practice Exercise
Lesson 2.4: Setting Constraints
Types of Constraints
Creating a Constraint
Setting Task Deadlines
Constraints vs. Deadlines
Practice Exercise
Section 2: Review Questions
SECTION 3: Scheduling a Project
Lesson 3.1: Creating the Project Calendar
Calendar Types
Setting up the Calendar
Creating a New Calendar
Changing Calendar Views
Adjusting the Timescale
Practice Exercise
Lesson 3.2: Setting a Project's Baseline
Baseline Basics
Saving a Baseline
Viewing a Baseline
Clearing a Baseline
Practice Exercise
Lesson 3.3: Setting a Project's Interim Plan
Setting an Interim Plan
Viewing an Interim Plan
Clearing an Interim Plan
Practice Exercise
Lesson 3.4: Setting a Project's Critical Path
What is the Critical Path?
How Does Project Determine the Critical Path?
Viewing the Critical Path
Shortening the Critical Path
Practice Exercise
Section 3: Review Questions
SECTION 4: Printing and Viewing a Project
Lesson 4.1: Printing and Viewing a Project
Checking Spelling in a Project
Selecting Text
Cutting, Copying, and Pasting
Using Undo and Redo
Inserting Page Breaks
Practice Exercise
Lesson 4.2: Changing Your View
Using Zoom
Using the View Bar
Using Basic Views
Using Advanced Views
Using the Find Dialog
Practice Exercise
Lesson 4.3: Using Page Setup
Setting Page Options
Setting Margins
Setting Headers
Setting Footers
Modifying the Legend
Changing View Settings
Practice Exercise
Lesson 4.4: Printing a Project
Opening Print Preview
Using Print Preview
Using Print Commands
Using the Print Dialog
Using the Project Guide for Printing Wizard
Practice Exercise
Section 4: Review Questions
Everything you need to deliver amazing training
Each courseware title is a trainers' kit that comes with the following course components:

Instructor Guide
Velsoft Instructor Guides are the core of each training course. Our Instructor Guides lay out the training in simple, easy-to-follow instructions. You can also customize the Instructor Guides in order to personalize your training.

Student Manual
Each Instructor Guide - for each course - is paired with a Student Manual that you can present to your participants. This customizable Student Manual gives each participant the ?student? version of the course you will be teaching.

Exercise Workbook
Velsoft offers an Exercise Workbook (also customizable) that is specific to the course you are offering. You can choose whether this is something you would like to present to your students.

Sample Files
Pre-made Sample Exercise Files are provided for use with the Lab Workbook so that you, as the trainer, do not have to prepare activity working files.

PowerPoint Deck
Courseware from Velsoft is designed to give you everything you need for use in the classroom or for your workshop. This includes the PowerPoint versions of all the courses, prepared for you in advance.

Quick Reference Guide
Quick Reference Guides are a favorite tool for trainers to provide to their learners. Each Quick Reference Guide summarizes the most important elements in each courseware title down to two pages.