Office Publisher 2007 Core Essentials training is beneficial if you are short on time. We are all short on time, including your students or employees. Publisher 2007 is a powerful tool that when used properly will increase efficiency. A well planned, well executed training courseware on Publisher 2007 will teach your employees and students the basics of Publisher 2007.
If your students are already proficient in the basics of Publisher 2007, you might want to cover our Intermediate or Advanced level courses.
Do you understand the program well enough to confidently provide the necessary training? Our courseware training material is market tested in 150 countries around the world. It is all the training material and content an instructor needs to deliver an effective training workshop. The courseware has been crafted from hundreds of hours of work by industry professionals and is fully customizable. You can easily add or subtract to the material, modify it, and change it to whatever suits your needs.
What will you get? You get:
- Advertorial to advertise the workshop
- Activity book to explain, show, and teach the many functions of Publisher 2007
- Instructor’s Guide with complete course information
- Lesson plans
- Quick reference guide
- Student manual with all the information of the instructor’s guide with the activities
Some of the interesting topics covered in?Office Publisher 2007 Core Essentials are ones such as the format publication task pane, arranging the page, and formatting the page.
Module 1: The Basics
Opening and Closing Microsoft Publisher
Creating a Publication Using the Getting Started Window.
Creating a Publication from the Menu
The Publisher Interface
Typing Text
Defining Your Business Information
Module 2: The Format Publication Task Pane
Choosing Page Options
Break (15 minutes)
Selecting a Color Scheme
Selecting a Font Scheme
Setting the Publication Options
Module 3: Formatting Text
Working with Fonts on the Formatting Toolbar
Working with the Font Dialog Box
Applying Styles
Using the Format Painter
Adding Drop Caps
Lunch (60 minutes)
Module 4: Formatting the Page
Inserting, Deleting, and Renaming Pages
Using Columns
Setting the Page Background
Using Master Pages
Using Sections
Module 5: Adding Art and Objects
Inserting Tables
Using Table AutoFormat
Adding Pictures
Drawing Shapes
Adding Text Boxes
Break (15 minutes)
Using the Design Gallery
Using the Content Library
Module 6: Arranging the Page
Using the Ruler
Using Guides
Using Snap
Aligning and Distributing Objects
Rotating and Flipping Objects
Module 7: Viewing and Printing
Using Views
Using Zoom.
Using Page Setup
Previewing a Publication
Printing a Publication
E-mailing a Publication
Workshop Wrap-Up
Everything you need to deliver amazing training
Each courseware title is a trainers' kit that comes with the following course components:

Instructor Guide
Velsoft Instructor Guides are the core of each training course. Our Instructor Guides lay out the training in simple, easy-to-follow instructions. You can also customize the Instructor Guides in order to personalize your training.

Student Manual
Each Instructor Guide - for each course - is paired with a Student Manual that you can present to your participants. This customizable Student Manual gives each participant the ?student? version of the course you will be teaching.

Exercise Workbook
Velsoft offers an Exercise Workbook (also customizable) that is specific to the course you are offering. You can choose whether this is something you would like to present to your students.

Sample Files
Pre-made Sample Exercise Files are provided for use with the Lab Workbook so that you, as the trainer, do not have to prepare activity working files.

PowerPoint Deck
Courseware from Velsoft is designed to give you everything you need for use in the classroom or for your workshop. This includes the PowerPoint versions of all the courses, prepared for you in advance.

Quick Reference Guide
Quick Reference Guides are a favorite tool for trainers to provide to their learners. Each Quick Reference Guide summarizes the most important elements in each courseware title down to two pages.