By adding Microsoft XP Access 2002 Basic to your library of training courseware we make it easier than ever to teach your students. With our unique, flexible, easy-to-use solution you can deliver a professional skills development session in a fully customizable format. Our editable material allows you to match examples to your specific needs, and you can even take the credit and replace our name with your own. Why would you spend thousands of hours writing training materials when we’ve already done it for you?
Your students will be able to learn the basics and begin working with tables, generating reports and queries, importing/exporting data and much much more in no time at all. Our Microsoft XP Access 2002 Basic courseware comes complete with teaching resources that will give you the confidence to present a lesson like a subject matter expert. With an Instructor Guide, PowerPoint Slides, Quick Reference Guide, Student Manual and Tutorials it truly could not be easier.
Designed with you in mind we make products that you can use, combining the information that you need and none that you don’t.
SECTION 1: Access Basics
Lesson 1.1: Database Terminology
What is a Table?
What is a Record?
What is a Form?
What is a Report?
What is a Query?
Lesson 1.2: Meeting Access
Starting Access
The Microsoft Access Environment
Working with Toolbars
Working With the Task Pane
Practice Exercise
Lesson 1.3: Creating a Database
Plan Your Database
Creating a New Database Using the Wizard
The Database Window
The Relationships Window
Understanding Join Lines
Practice Exercise
Lesson 1.4: Creating Tables
About Referential Integrity
Viewing Tables and Entering Data
Viewing Table Properties
Practice Exercise
Lesson 1.5: Creating Forms
Previewing a Form's Design
Previewing Reports
Viewing a Report's Design
Practice Exercise
SECTION 2: Tables
Lesson 2.1: Table Basics
Table Structure
Primary Key Field
Changing Field Properties
Practice Exercise
Lesson 2.2: Creating a Table
Creating a Table Using the Wizard
Creating a Table Using NewObject:Table
Creating a Table in Design View
About Table and Field Names
Practice Exercise
Lesson 2.3: Working With a Table
Editing a Table
Changing Table and Field Names
Deleting Fields
Practice Exercise
Lesson 2.4: Finishing a Table
Saving a Table
Editing a Table in Design View
Changing a Table Structure
Entering Table Data
Importing Data from Excel
Practice Exercise
SECTION 3: Forms
Lesson 3.1: Creating a Form
Creating a Form Using NewObject
Creating a Form Using the Wizard
Creating a Form in Design View
Practice Exercise
Lesson 3.2: Modifying a Form
Designate the Record Source
Place the Fields
Move and Place Controls
Delete Controls
Practice Exercise
Lesson 3.3: Using Controls
Use the Toolbox
Format Controls
Changing Formatting Using the Format Painter
Using the Navigation Bar to Move Through Your Form
Viewing Your Work
Practice Exercise
SECTION 4: Reports and Queries
Lesson 4.1: Creating a Report
Create a Report Using NewObject:Report
Create a Report Using the Wizard
Create a Report in Design View
Grouping and Sorting
Practice Exercise
Lesson 4.2: Using Report Controls
Bound Controls
Unbound Controls
Option Buttons
Control Properties
Practice Exercise
Lesson 4.3: Finishing a Report
Report Sections
Add a Report Header or Footer
Sort and Group
Previewing Your Report
Practice Exercise
Lesson 4.4: Queries
Working with Queries
Manipulate Tables in the Query Window
Arrange the Query Design Window
About the Design Grid
Multi-Table Queries
About Calculated Fields
Practice Exercise
Everything you need to deliver amazing training
Each courseware title is a trainers' kit that comes with the following course components:

Instructor Guide
Velsoft Instructor Guides are the core of each training course. Our Instructor Guides lay out the training in simple, easy-to-follow instructions. You can also customize the Instructor Guides in order to personalize your training.

Student Manual
Each Instructor Guide - for each course - is paired with a Student Manual that you can present to your participants. This customizable Student Manual gives each participant the ?student? version of the course you will be teaching.

Exercise Workbook
Velsoft offers an Exercise Workbook (also customizable) that is specific to the course you are offering. You can choose whether this is something you would like to present to your students.

Sample Files
Pre-made Sample Exercise Files are provided for use with the Lab Workbook so that you, as the trainer, do not have to prepare activity working files.

PowerPoint Deck
Courseware from Velsoft is designed to give you everything you need for use in the classroom or for your workshop. This includes the PowerPoint versions of all the courses, prepared for you in advance.

Quick Reference Guide
Quick Reference Guides are a favorite tool for trainers to provide to their learners. Each Quick Reference Guide summarizes the most important elements in each courseware title down to two pages.