Trainers who want to help organizations and individuals with growth will appreciate this comprehensive, one-day training course. Participants will learn what employee accountability is, how to promote it in their organization, and how to become more accountable to themselves and others.
Training sessions include: what accountability is and what events in history have shaped our view of it; the requirements for personal and corporate accountability;’the cycle of accountability and the fundamental elements required to build an accountable organization; and the skills required for accountability, including goal-setting, giving and receiving feedback, and delegation.
How to Use This Guide
Session One: Course Overview
Session Two: Defining Accountability
What is Accountability?
The Era of Distrust
Lessons Learned
Session Three: Creating an Accountable Organization
The Accountability Cycle
The Building Blocks
Case Study
Accountability Starts with Me!
Pre-Assignment Review
Session Four: Setting Goals and Expectations
Tips and Tricks
Making Connections
Top Ten Ways to Create and Share Ownership
Session Five: Doing Delegation Right
Understanding Delegation
Monitoring Delegation
Session Six: Offering Feedback
The Ingredients of Good Feedback
Making Connections
Session Seven: A Toolbox for Managers
Recommended Reading List
Post-Course Assessment
Pre- and Post-Assessment Answer Keys
Personal Action Plan