While many companies promise to deliver an incredible customer experience, some are better at supplying this than others. This two-day course is designed around six critical elements of customer service that, when a company truly embraces them, bring customers back to experience service that outdoes the competition.
Specific learning objectives include: understanding what a customer service approach is; understanding how your own behavior affects the behavior of others; demonstrating confidence and skill as a problem solver; applying techniques to deal with difficult customers; and knowing how to provide excellent customer service
Easily customizable training materials mean trainers can deliver a personalized course without having to develop the program themselves! Our soft skills courseware packages include a detailed instructor guide, student workbook, pre-assignment, assessments, and more. The courseware’s print on demand feature makes it convenient for trainers to print off what they need, when they need it – and your purchase allows you to print and deliver as many times as you want, hassle-free.
How to Use This Guide
Session One: Course Overview
Session Two: What is Customer Service?
The First Critical Element – A Customer Service Focus
Session Three: Who Are Your Customers?
Session Four: Meeting Expectations
Session Five: Pre-Assignment Review
Session Six: Setting Goals
Creating a Personal Vision Statement
Identifying Dreams and Setting Goals
My Dreams and Goals
Session Seven: The Second Critical Element – Defined in Your Organization
Session Eight: The Third Critical Element – Given Life by the Employees
What Do You Think?
Suggested Answers
Session Nine: Communication Skills
Defining Communication
Asking Questions
Session Ten: Telephone Techniques
Telephone Basics
Handling Everyday Requests
Tips and Tricks
Session Eleven: Dealing With Difficult Customers
Session Twelve: Dealing With Challenges Assertively
An Assertiveness Model
Making Connections
Session Thirteen: Dealing With Difficult People
Getting to the Heart of the Matter
The Three F’s
Types of Difficult People
Session Fourteen: The Fourth Critical Element – Be a Problem Solver
Reducing Conflict
Problem Solving in Six Steps
Making Connections
Session Fifteen: Seven Steps to Customer Problem Solving
The Process
Making Connections
The Recovery Process
Session Sixteen: The Fifth Critical Element – Measure It
Tools to Use
Measurement in Practice
Session Seventeen: The Sixth Critical Element – Reinforce It
Reinforcement Techniques
Power Talk
Session Eighteen: Dealing With Stress
Recommended Reading List
Post-Course Assessment
Pre- and Post-Assessment Answer Keys
Personal Action Plan
Everything you need to deliver amazing training
Each courseware title is a trainers' kit that comes with the following course components:
Instructor Guide
Velsoft Instructor Guides are the core of each training course. Our Instructor Guides lay out the training in simple, easy-to-follow instructions. You can also customize the Instructor Guides in order to personalize your training.
Student Manual
Each Instructor Guide - for each course - is paired with a Student Manual that you can present to your participants. This customizable Student Manual gives each participant the ?student? version of the course you will be teaching.
PowerPoint Deck
Courseware from Velsoft is designed to give you everything you need for use in the classroom or for your workshop. This includes the PowerPoint versions of all the courses, prepared for you in advance.
Quick Reference Guide
Quick Reference Guides are a favorite tool for trainers to provide to their learners. Each Quick Reference Guide summarizes the most important elements in each courseware title down to two pages.